As you may know I also have my own one-man IT company, LITES PC (http://www.litespc.co.uk/) which stands for Lovesey Information Technology Education and Support.
This beast has continued to grow in all the main areas, support, training and website design. In fact the website design has really taken off of late. I have now also added SEO skills to my portfolio after attending a course on Google SEO, very interesting.
I guess indirectly LITES is responsible for my lack of writing time, however, ultimately it is those darned bills that are the main reason. LOL
I'm trying to strike a better balance between writing and LITES work this year which will hopefully result in good progress for book three. Of course if there are any major publishers out there that want to sign up Portal Chronicles then I'd happily accept an advance and write full time! ;-)
I guess indirectly LITES is responsible for my lack of writing time, however, ultimately it is those darned bills that are the main reason. LOL
I'm trying to strike a better balance between writing and LITES work this year which will hopefully result in good progress for book three. Of course if there are any major publishers out there that want to sign up Portal Chronicles then I'd happily accept an advance and write full time! ;-)
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