Wednesday, 27 June 2007


At last!

I collected my author's copy of The Shimmering Gate yesterday and have given it the thumbs up so it can now be ordered from both and

As usual signed copies are available direct from me through the web site

The last few months have dragged and I would like to thank you for bearing with me as I delayed things with the additional editing and proof reading activity and then had a few hurdles jump (or in my case to run through) in the formatting stages.

For those that have already pre-ordered and paid for their copy I should get my first print run copies at the end of next week so I will send these out to you as soon as I have them in my paws!

The official launch date is 1st August but you can get pre-launch copies from both Amazon and myself. No need to wait for the official launch.

I hope you enjoy Shimmering and will want to read on.
I have the basis of book three in my head and will start to pen the novel towards the end of August looking for a release date sometime during late summer 2008.

So, whether your curent reading portal takes you to Spider or Shimmering, enjoy and happy adventuring!


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