Tuesday, 20 April 2010

East Midlands International CiCLE Classic

The next public event that I am attending is the CiCle Classic race in Oakham.
For more information on this exciting event, check out the information at:


I will be in the Victoria Hall with the Craft Fair doing book signings and answering questions about writing publishing. I'll have both copies of The Portal Chronicles with me and I can also provide assistance on IT related side of writing and publishing.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Nottingham Central Library

A big thank you for those that attended the New Writers UK event in Nottingham Central Library yesterday.
I delivered a small workshop on finding and selecting cover art for your books and this seemed to be received well. Other authors delivered sessions on Research, Children's Writing and Short Stories v Novels.
For those of you that had a chat with me and who may have more questions, you can contact me via my website at www.lovesey.net


Sunday, 4 April 2010

Connor's Folly - a recommended read

As I struggle to find time to write book three, for those looking for a good read I can recommend a fellow independent author, Rob Auty and his Trance Warriors series.
Rob has recently launched the second book in his series, Connor's Folly. You can link to this here.
The first book in the series, The Siege of Scarn is also available.
Rob's home page is www.trancewarriors.com

In the Trance Warriors Rob has created an excellent fantasy world and with some fresh and unique ideas. Try it. You won't be disappointed.

Of course for those of you still ctaching up with my own work, as usual you can find it via my web site at www.lovesey.net
