Sunday, 25 March 2007

Early Proof Reader Feedback on Shimmering

I am delighted to say that the early feedback from my proof readers is that The Shimmering Gate is going down quite well. This is great news and hopefully as they progress re-writing will be kept to a minimum. There are the usual batch of typing errors and my continued tendency to gte the odd name mixed up (Stack instread of Stern, Gorlan instead of Toran, Meld instead of Molt etc;) but hopefully these are all being weeded out in the proof reading process.


Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Barnsdale Lodge March 21st 11am-7pm

Another charity event, this time at Barnsdale Lodge near Rutland Water.
I'm teaming up with John Nowell once more to answer questions and sell signed copies of The Spider Gem.

In addition to the stand costs 10% of all sales goes to charity so come along and support the cause.

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Coventry Rotaract Craft Fair MARCH 17th

Just a reminder that I will be at the Coventry Rotaract fund raising craft fair on March 17th from 10am to 4pm. I will be answering questions on writing, publishing and on the Portal Chronicles as well as signing books and selling signed copies.

This is a charity event so please come and support the Rotaract Club and check out the fair.
It is being held in the Central Hall, Coventry CV1 2HA.

Hopefully see you there!

Bk 2 of the Portal Chronicles Shimmers Into Life

At last! I finally printed out and distributed the final first draft of The Shimmering Gate today.
A number of copies have been sent to proof readers and I hope that not too much work will be needed when they come back. I have asked the proof readers to get me feedback by the 7th April so realistically I think the launch will be early May (unless the PoD can move quickly).
I have mixed feelings now. I'm excited that it is out there in almost final form, relieved that the months of writing have resulted in the creation of book two and nervous to hear how readers will respond (typical writer response!).

Friday, 9 March 2007

Shimmering Moves Ever Closer

A good day today.
I not only finished the final chapters of Shimmering but I went through one set of proof reading feedback and adopted the changes. I hope to have the first draft completed by end of next week and then it is out to the second round of proof reading.
Still got my fingers corssed for a late April release but getting tight.
While it is being proof read I need to get a glossary done, produce a map and write a summary of book one for inclusion in book two.
Feels good top be so much closer to completion though.


Monday, 5 March 2007

Good Times at Bury St Edmunds

I took a run over to the Craft Fair in the wonderful old market town of Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk on Sunday. The Craft Fair was held in the splendour of the Atheneaum in the old centre of the town.
It was an enjoyable day with moderate sales but with lots of friendly and chatty customers.
Much better than gardening in the rain!! :-)

Friday, 2 March 2007

Indoor Market at the Atheneaum Sunday 4th March

I will be at the Atheneaum in Bury St Edmonds on Sunday 4th March from 10am - 4pm signing copies of The Spider Gem and answering questions on writing, publishing and life in general.
Hope to see you there.
